Small pruning waste can simply be put in the organic waste container. Larger quantities of pruning waste can be taken to the waste recycling point. It is important that the pruning waste is free of other material (such as metal or wooden racks and floral (oasis) foam) and is not handed in in bags.

What happens to the waste?
The collected pruning waste is shredded by the processor and composted.

What qualifies as garden and other green waste?
- Prunings
- Leaf litter
- Other organic waste
- Bamboo
- Sand/soil
- Pebbles or other rubble
Always up to date on your waste collection!
In the Cure Afval app, you can see when and what kind of waste is collected in your neighbourhood, and you can automatically receive a notification when the waste is collected. You can also consult the waste calendar online on www.mijnafvalwijzer.nl.